Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thank You (;

Michelle Yu -  Hello Dana :) I am not grateful for you borrowing my bus pass. jk. anywhooo Just want to say Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for being such a wonderful friend You've been truely amazing and impacted my life in many ways. Years and years of friendship that I would definetly never forget because we would spend so much adventures together with our camera whoreing days when we would go out to places. You've been there for me on days where I couldn't handle life and have so much troubles. I won't remember the time when I broke down and you just came in and comfort me. You always supported me through my decisions even when they were stupid and no matter how much I got hurt you were still there for me with a hug. Thank you for so much years of friendship that I cannot ask for any better. You're a really great friend and do well on your basketball season! I love you Dana! You've been such a great friend and I can't ask for a better sister

Alan Leung -  man since you type something that long I have to do something equivalent or better >:O
Miss Dana Yin aka LiL HoBo! I am extremely thankful for our friendship. We actually gone quite a few things and we are still very close friends. I am very thankful that. Also thankful for everything you have done for me, listening to rant, comforting me, made me laugh when I wanted to kill somebody and much much more. Thanks for comforting me when I was on my low. Also thank you for watching my basketball games, youre just too kind! All in all, I am just grateful to be your friend.
GOSH!! I think this is longer than yours! Finally! Anyways Happy Thanksgiving!

Jason Nhan - Dana/Sweet Tea (: I am grateful for having a friend like you.Thank you for always talking/text me when i am bored.thanks for making me laugh. We started talking some how this year i dont know how or why but im grateful we started. thanks for everything you have done for me.thanks for calling me "one in a million" you l...oser. i am grateful to have such a great friend like you im so thankful for having you in my life. happy thanksgiving dodat.

Denise Phung - HELLO ORANGE haha yeah we met in middle schooooool but never seen each other in person until high school. i remember we would write letters and look for people to give the letter to us. xD the first time i saw you i was like woah this girl looks so diffferent with short hair. haha! you used to have long hair in middl...e school. i thought you were this girly girl but i got to know you more .. hehe! i love you for being you. youre so weirrrd & cute :) i like how we can talk to each other about anything. & youre always there to help. thank you :) im glad we got closer. i love you dana! have a nice thanksgiving :)

Lena Yu - Happy thanksgiving Dana yin I'm very thankful for having such a wonderful and cute friend like you. We've been friend since the first time you walked into my class. That day was the best day ever because we got to know each other more and even got to share great moments together. I still have the things you gave me my birthday in 6th grade ;) you were always supportive and there for me when I need you that is the best thing I could ever ask for. We have gone through ups and down but we still manage to be great friends and even best friend. Surprising we have gone through alot these pass few years and we are now seniors about to graduate. Hopefully we can still hangout and chat about these wonderful memories when we come back from college. Hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving! I love you Dana yin

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