Well afterschool i went to Yogurtland with Michelle, Lorrie, Binh and Lena :]! we had yogurt! mmmmmm yummy :D gummy bears <3 i just love them >:P it was fun and we were talking hahaha it was coooooool.. gossiping :] well we walked back to alpine. Then i saw Fusheng with a puppy its so cute :D! omg i was holding it was simply adorable (: haha i fell asleep on me. rofl then i went home.
when i got home, michelle, binh and lorrie came with me because it was my older sister's birthday party! we had to help around and then we got to eat. LOL we were talking and playing with my cousins, neices, and nephews (: haha yes we are pedophiles lol. we had our under 18 table and everyone else is over there LOL. later on we played rockband and was on the computer :] my dad brought home the cake. it was pretty and gooooooood!!lol anyways we sang happy birthday and ate cake. i got caked by my cousin rawrs!! but i got him back!! LOL!! PWNED. my friends left my cousin linda drove them home. i just used a little of computer and fell asleeep. i was so tired :[
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