well to start off i was pretty tired when i woke up. haha i just got ready and my cousin Haley drove me to Andy's house. It was his birthday (: i got some BBQ and i was hella tired. A lot of people came and we were just playing in the jumper than i fell asleep on the bed with van hahahha :] peopel kept bothering us, so we woke up. we were talking about how NMS is so ghetto and 8th graders wants to be coool but they aint. what wannabes. LMAOO. anyways we playing with dogs and played marco polo in the jumper. later on went back to the bed and slept on the flooor. Ivan broke the bed so we had to fix it.!! lol.. it was alright. then the cake came. we had to sing the song many times because we failed when to sing it. took pictures and ate cake. i caked andy ROFLMAO. After i walked home with binh, wilson and Jenn. lol went home and chill, shower and w/e :]!!
what a great day (:
Day 2 of Summer 09'
so far so gooooood (:
Haha I swear EVERYONE hates the NMS kids. xD