After Party

so I woke up like at 7:45 to get ready. I went to Yuca like around 8. i was hella early man! so Lena came like 2 minutes later and we went to Carls' Jr. I dropped one of my eggrolls! so sad!! ahah well after mostly everyone came we got into our cars! i called shotgun in Dennis Car!! bwahahha it was awesome! anyways Me, Michelle, Binh, Lena, Xiaomin, Qiao, Denise, and waverly was in the car haha :]!! when we got there. We got our T shirt and our group!! ahahah i was in group 9 man!!! so funny. my group was called the inferno! haha Our Co Captian called me trouble. His First Impression on me was a trouble maker LOL! haha we played some games it was fun and all! Yoga was hard and boring, i almost fell asleep! when it was lunch oh man that one singer Sheri, she is soooo pretty and her voice was soooooooo gorgeous LOL. Jenn and Henry went on the Dance floor to dance! EM3 was battling henry! one of teh guy was pretty goood :]! after it was all over it was goooooood gonna miss Tim lol haha while we were waiting for Dennis, we were singing high school musical :]! haha after we got on the car and left Binh saw this one cute guy. When they saw his face. Everyone screamed i was like WTF?! haha it was funnny. We dropped people home and went to Trinh and Dennis' House to chill. we had Costco foood! pizza, Churros, Chicken Bake. after eating, we played twister and one round i think we had a very bad sugar rush!! everyone was like hella hyper :]!! haha it was funny playign twister because people had wrong position LOL! oh man it was funny when Trinh and Dennis left. we hid from them hahha but trinh and Dennis found us it was scary!! LOL it was cooooooool man :]! we also did a pyramid in the house to get ready for our beach clean up :]!! what a fun day!!

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