so yea i had Yuca Basketball practice today! man i was hella sleepy and i woke up late to go practice and i still went without eating. when we scrimaged i was so tired. hungry and tired!! man we lost to jyc D:! anyways i went back home to get ready and stuff. Then we went to Luminarias. It was awesome and coool! our table was number 13! It was me, Lorrie, Denise, Davis, Steven, and Alanna! haha we were getting some Virgin Margarida (however you spell it) and another drink i forgot whats it called. :D! it was yummmy :] haha then we got some salads and we watched the Traditional and Modern Dance again.. Finally we got our food the beef was good but i couldn't finish it! hahah then we saw our slide show of Yuca :] it was awesome and we had some cake and it was time to Dance!! haha we were sooo hyper. i didnt want to dance at first :] than lena, jenn, binh and michelle made me dance! haha i was tired but cool! we were dancing with alot of people haha. we had some slow dance and yea we were dancing.. than someone requested the YMCA SONG for Dennis haha we were dancing around him and singing :] Y M C A! haha it was coool!! we had some more dances and yeah it was time to goooooooo!! D:! it was awesome and fun :] what a coooolio day!!!

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