April Fools! haha
Anyways At school mosty all my friends went on a field trip to occidental college. Yes i was practically a loner today in nutrition. haha :D! but then me and Ray thought of a prank on Michelle haha yes we are that evil. We text her that i was crying, making her worry about me. Then later on she called Anthony in lunch asking about me. Anthony told her i was crying and wouldn't talk to her. haha Then we were gonna make it more dramatic. I was gonna blog some sad things so she would be more worry, but Ray wanted to her afterschool. When i saw her after school she put out her hands for me for a big hug. Behind her i saw Ray laughing so hard and i couldnt stop laughing myself! haha then we said "1,2,3 APRIL FOOLS!!" she was mad, but i know she think it was funny or so. it was hilarious she told all our friends that i was crying or something :D!
When i got home i was pranking people online!
Taking on the phone with Davis Tran
Dana: I sprained my ankle
Dana: I can't play in the tournament
Davis: WTH! "blah blah bah"(something about tournament)
Dana" April FOOLS!
Later on
Dana: Theres no Yuca tomorrow its some Cabinet meeting
Davis: Really but tomorrow is Thursday
Dana: Yeah but they changed it. They told all Lincoln people, wait ur Bravo
Davis: oh really
Dana: j/k APRIL FOOOLS !!
haha funny man :D!
Next was Ray!
KawaiiDana xD: dude
KawaiiDana xD: michelle is talking shiet
KawaiiDana xD: fuck man .
Ray: how?
KawaiiDana xD: saying that im stupid and i suck at bball!
KawaiiDana xD: D:
KawaiiDana xD: fuck man
KawaiiDana xD: im pissed at her
Ray: wtf u serious?
KawaiiDana xD: j/k april foools
Next was Michelle Yu
KawaiiDana xD: sighh
KawaiiDana xD: steven is being mean -_______-
Michelle: hey
Michelle: omgosh i was about to say are oyu okay
Michelle: roar
Michelle: what happened dana?
Michelle: O_O
KawaiiDana xD: he yelled it me D:!
Michelle: you tricked him too
Michelle: O_O
KawaiiDana xD: huh?
KawaiiDana xD: nah
KawaiiDana xD: i said something that made him pissed.
Michelle: how come he yelling at you
Michelle: D:
Michelle: oh
Michelle: like what
Michelle: >_______<
KawaiiDana xD: like
KawaiiDana xD: APRIL FOOLS!
Heres Another one From Michelle
KawaiiDana xD: im emo.
Michelle: what happened
Michelle: O_O
Michelle: whats wrong?
KawaiiDana xD: paula is mad at me
KawaiiDana xD: i pulled a sick ass prank
KawaiiDana xD: she kinda got mad
KawaiiDana xD: at me
Michelle: O_o
Michelle: what happened?
KawaiiDana xD: it was funnny
Michelle: what you do O_O
KawaiiDana xD: i told her that i sprained my ankle
KawaiiDana xD: she cares so much about me
KawaiiDana xD: i felt bad
KawaiiDana xD: D:
Michelle: ouch >________<
KawaiiDana xD: and then i said...
Paula Turn
KawaiiDana xD: paula
KawaiiDana xD: i cant play on the tournament
KawaiiDana xD: for basketball
Paula: how come?
KawaiiDana xD: D:!
Paula: too pro?
Paula: LOL
KawaiiDana xD: i sprained my ankle today.
KawaiiDana xD: at alpine
Paula: wat?!
Paula: how dude
KawaiiDana xD: someone fell on it D:KawaiiDana xD: and i fell
Paula: dannggg
KawaiiDana xD: great impact on my anke.
KawaiiDana xD: ankle*
KawaiiDana xD: D:
Paula: dang
Paula: yayyahhhh
KawaiiDana xD: APRIL FOOOLS!
Paula: BITCH
Round 2
Paula: wats with the message gf?
Paula: on ur aim
KawaiiDana xD: michelle
KawaiiDana xD: is talking shit
KawaiiDana xD: nope
Paula: but about wat tho?
KawaiiDana xD: i suck at bball
KawaiiDana xD: and some shiet
Paula: wat?!
Paula: serious
Paula: its april fools man
KawaiiDana xD (9:24:45 PM): dude
KawaiiDana xD: im like mad right now
KawaiiDana xD: crying too.
Paula: =[
Paula: -hugs-
KawaiiDana xD: april fools
Paula: maybe she had a bad day
KawaiiDana xD: APRIL FOOOLS!
Paula: bitch
Paula: goshhh
Paula: u bitch
Paula: dont talk to me
Vivian's Turn
KawaiiDana xD: dude
KawaiiDana xD: i was playign basketball at alpine
KawaiiDana xD: with my guys friends
KawaiiDana xD: i tripped
KawaiiDana xD: some guy stepped on my anke
KawaiiDana xD: and i sprained it D:
Vivian: OMG.
Vivian: D:
Vivian: awww.
Vivian: you okay ?
Vivian: are your legs alright ?
Vivian: :o
KawaiiDana xD: april fools :-D!
Vivian: OMFG
Vivian: i was worried.
Vivian: you son of a gun 1
Remy(Big brother) Turn :D!
KawaiiDana xD: remmmy
KawaiiDana xD: i fell today
remy: awww...what happened?
KawaiiDana xD: went to the park with my friend and i sprained my anke
remy: omg
KawaiiDana xD: ankle*
KawaiiDana xD: hahah
KawaiiDana xD: april foools man
KawaiiDana xD: :P
remy: lol, u got me
Last one Denise :D!
KawaiiDana xD: denise
KawaiiDana xD: i got a new dog!
KawaiiDana xD: :-DDDDDDDD
KawaiiDana xD: another chihauhau
deniise: omgggggggg
deniise: mine dieeeeeeeee ]:
deniise: when i was a little kid
deniise: how small is itt?
KawaiiDana xD: apri foools man
KawaiiDana xD: :-D!
KawaiiDana xD: you had one?
deniise: yeaaah
deniise: omg yu succcccck!